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01242 257 714


Visit us at 61 Clarence Street, Cheltenham, open Monday to Friday 9.30am – 4.30pm


Marchants Coaches are registered to deliver Driver CPC courses authorised by JAUPT (Joint Approvals Unit for Periodic Training).

Courses are held at our Cheltenham Depot, and we are able to offer courses for individuals or groups with a maximum of 5 attendees so keeping our courses involved, practical and inclusive for all participants.


Our course instructor Peter has worked continuously in the bus and coach industry for the last 35yrs, working in all sectors from driving stage carriage, express coaching, vintage bus hire, independent school minibus and private hire. Peter has also worked in depot management and for the last 23yrs has worked in PSV driver training, running a successful training school and is an external Transport Manager for a successful vintage bus firm.


Driver CPC courses Marchants Coaches can offer are:


Driver Essentials

This course covers Drivers Hours, EU, Domestic and AETR and how to correctly record and use analogue and digital Tachographs.

How to input information into a digital Tachograph (Practical), procedures to take regarding lost/stolen, out of scope and ferry/train.

WTD records, information and reference periods required.


Driver Compliance

This course covers driver’s hours and road traffic regulations.

Operator Licence undertakings and the driver’s role in maintaining compliance.

DVSA roadside checks, Operator Compliance Risk Score, Earned Recognition Scheme and Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme and the roll of the driver.

Daily Vehicle Walk Round Checks (Practical).


Traffic Law, Incidents & Vulnerable Road Users

Explain the requirement for operator licensing

Identify and explain driver licence categories and codes

Explain what is expected of driving staff and their organisation

Describe what to do in the event of an incident

Explain how to show consideration to vulnerable road users


Safeguarding and Customer Care

Describe the role of the vehicle in improving access

Explain the role of the operator and the driver in providing free and equal access for all

Identify vulnerable passengers

Show an understanding of the importance of the driver in safeguarding vulnerable passengers

Recognise and decide how report safeguarding issues


Driver Welfare, Customer Care and Security

Explain the role of the driver in maintaining positive customer relations and customer retention

Decide the action to take in order to resolve conflict

Identify and report security issues  


Click here to check how many hours training you have done in the current 5-year period. 


Our courses are continually being developed and updated, and we can discuss tailoring courses to your particular requirements. Please contact Peter Allen, Training & Development Coordinator by emailing or call 01242 257585 to discuss your requirements.

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